Activities of Working Groups
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Functional Safety WG
◆ Purpose
・Providing solutions that contribute to the promotion of functional safety development in inexperienced areas and complex systems
・Supports ISO 26262 2nd, 3rd support, and effective operation in preparation for ISO / PAS 21448 (SOTIF) and ISO 21434(security)
◆ Activities
・Supports ISO 26262 2nd, 3rd support, and effective operation in preparation for ISO / PAS 21448 (SOTIF) and ISO 21434(security)
・Additions and revisions to the guide created in 1st focusing on changes in SW, HW, and communication areas of ISO 26262 2nd
will help form the interpretation of the standard and promote on-site activities
・Support for formation and implementation of common interpretation of SOTIF ISO 21448
・ISO 26262 3rd Edition creation activities
・Analysis of ANSI/UL 4600 Correlation study between ISO 26262 and SOTIF
◆ Achievement
will help form the interpretation of the standard and promote on-site activities
・Support for formation and implementation of common interpretation of SOTIF ISO 21448
・ISO 26262 3rd Edition creation activities
・Analysis of ANSI/UL 4600 Correlation study between ISO 26262 and SOTIF
・SOTIF activity template guide
・Issued functional safety standard utilization guide Ver3.1
・Formal verification method for specifications by Spin
・Technical document: Functional safety guidebook for Ethernet communication considering IEC 61508 and IEC 61784
・Technical document: Manual for functional safety [Ethernet edition] Ver.2.0
◆ Planned Output・Issued functional safety standard utilization guide Ver3.1
・Formal verification method for specifications by Spin
・Technical document: Functional safety guidebook for Ethernet communication considering IEC 61508 and IEC 61784
・Technical document: Manual for functional safety [Ethernet edition] Ver.2.0
・ISO 26262: 2018 Part9 Establishment of concepts and procedures for dependent failure analysis
・ISO 26262: 2018 Part5 Hardware element evaluation, arrangement of ideas on handling of SEOOC parts
・Apply formal verification techniques and consider examples of how to smoothly promote functional safety activities related to software
・Clarify the patterns of GW intervention and clarify the constraints that exist when communication protection is established in each pattern
・Create case studies using SOTIF templates (Clause 5 to 11)
・Creation of guides such as research and method examination for deepening understanding of SOTIF and problem solving
・SOTIF template utilization example creation
・Analysis of ANSI/UL 4600 Correlation research paper between ISO 26262 and SOTIF
・ISO 26262: 2018 Part5 Hardware element evaluation, arrangement of ideas on handling of SEOOC parts
・Apply formal verification techniques and consider examples of how to smoothly promote functional safety activities related to software
・Clarify the patterns of GW intervention and clarify the constraints that exist when communication protection is established in each pattern
・Create case studies using SOTIF templates (Clause 5 to 11)
・Creation of guides such as research and method examination for deepening understanding of SOTIF and problem solving
・SOTIF template utilization example creation
・Analysis of ANSI/UL 4600 Correlation research paper between ISO 26262 and SOTIF
AUTOSAR Standardization WG
◆ Purpose
To work on standardization activities on car electronic technology, and or promotion and dissemination of new concepts and technologies originating from Japan, by making proposals from JASPAR to AUTOSAR, and avoid the conflicts between the two organizations.
◆ Activities
・Scout the proposal items from JASPAR and its member companies and supporting new concept proposals and RfC proposals to AUTOSAR
・Participate in the AUTOSAR Open Conference and other activities and understand the latest AUTOSAR status
・Plan and support meetings with AUTOSAR as necessary
◆ Achievement・Participate in the AUTOSAR Open Conference and other activities and understand the latest AUTOSAR status
・Plan and support meetings with AUTOSAR as necessary
・The status of AUTOSAR was watched (new 24 concept proposals for R23-11, etc.) and the content was explained 3 items to the relevant JASPAR WG
・Support for OTA WG and Next Generation High Speed LAN WG to consider new proposals
・Collaboration Meetings with AUTOSAR SC (R23-May, Sept. / to be regularized)
・Collaboration presentation with AUTOSAR at AOC (R23-May)
・Collaboration presentations from AUTOSAR at JASPAR All Member Meeting (R23-March, August)
◆ Planned Output・Support for OTA WG and Next Generation High Speed LAN WG to consider new proposals
・Collaboration Meetings with AUTOSAR SC (R23-May, Sept. / to be regularized)
・Collaboration presentation with AUTOSAR at AOC (R23-May)
・Collaboration presentations from AUTOSAR at JASPAR All Member Meeting (R23-March, August)
・The status of AUTOSAR was watched (new concept proposals for R24-11, etc.) and the content was explained to the relevant JASPAR WG
・Support for proposals from JASPAR for the next AUTOSAR release (R24-11)
・Support for proposals from JASPAR for the next AUTOSAR release (R24-11)
Connectivity WG
◆ Purpose
To collaborate with multimedia related organization and to research connectivity in SDV as activities of Ext-linkage team/Outreach team
◆ Activities
1.Define use cases for DK Card, and PoC plan drafting and development. <Continue>
①Deepen and define the use cases of the DK CARD guideline created in FY2022.
Produce PoC reflecting each use case for the purpose of technical, operational and
use case verification, etc. of Digital Key including a type of card Digital Key.
②End of March, 2025
③Develop use case definitions for Digital Key Card, PoC development and validation (End of March 2025)
2.Research on the Positioning of Connectivity in SDV <Continue>
①Connectivity is considered one of the fundamental technologies that support SDV,
and the positioning of connectivity in SDV and the target domain are organized and narrowed down from the JASPAR perspective.
In addition, since a single function may use multiple communication methods at the same time,
“what data is carried where and by which communication method” should be organized.
Then, “Communication Technology Usage (Specification) Guidance (tentative)” will be prepared in conjunction with SDV.
At the same time, we will exchange opinions with related organizations regarding SDV.
②End of March 31, 2025
③Create a research report on the connectivity area in SDV (end of March 2025)
Create a guidance on communication technology use (specifications) (tentative)
(end of March 2025) for SDV
◆ Achievement①Deepen and define the use cases of the DK CARD guideline created in FY2022.
Produce PoC reflecting each use case for the purpose of technical, operational and
use case verification, etc. of Digital Key including a type of card Digital Key.
②End of March, 2025
③Develop use case definitions for Digital Key Card, PoC development and validation (End of March 2025)
2.Research on the Positioning of Connectivity in SDV <Continue>
①Connectivity is considered one of the fundamental technologies that support SDV,
and the positioning of connectivity in SDV and the target domain are organized and narrowed down from the JASPAR perspective.
In addition, since a single function may use multiple communication methods at the same time,
“what data is carried where and by which communication method” should be organized.
Then, “Communication Technology Usage (Specification) Guidance (tentative)” will be prepared in conjunction with SDV.
At the same time, we will exchange opinions with related organizations regarding SDV.
②End of March 31, 2025
③Create a research report on the connectivity area in SDV (end of March 2025)
Create a guidance on communication technology use (specifications) (tentative)
(end of March 2025) for SDV
・Market&Needs and Usecase document Ver.2.0
・Implementation Guidelines for Card Type Digital Key Ver.1.0
・Implementation Guidance for 5G Communication function Ver.1.0
・Participated in CCC Digital Key activities and introduced JASPAR‘s efforts (card-type digital key)
・Visited CES2024, MWC2024 in order to research on SDV related technical trend
・Discussion about SDV related topic with VDA
・Exchanged opinions and information with German OEM organization (CE4A) on Wi-Fi 5.2GHz band for in-vehicle use
・Participated in the activities of the 5.2GHz and 6GHz Band Wireless LAN Working Group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
and Communications and the Wireless LAN System Development Subcommittee of the ARIB,
and contributed to the institutionalization of 5.2GHz band wireless LAN in automobiles
・Cooperative activities with various standardization organizations (Bluetooth SIG, Wi-Fi Alliance, CCC, NFC Forum, etc.)
◆ Planned Output・Implementation Guidelines for Card Type Digital Key Ver.1.0
・Implementation Guidance for 5G Communication function Ver.1.0
・Participated in CCC Digital Key activities and introduced JASPAR‘s efforts (card-type digital key)
・Visited CES2024, MWC2024 in order to research on SDV related technical trend
・Discussion about SDV related topic with VDA
・Exchanged opinions and information with German OEM organization (CE4A) on Wi-Fi 5.2GHz band for in-vehicle use
・Participated in the activities of the 5.2GHz and 6GHz Band Wireless LAN Working Group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
and Communications and the Wireless LAN System Development Subcommittee of the ARIB,
and contributed to the institutionalization of 5.2GHz band wireless LAN in automobiles
・Cooperative activities with various standardization organizations (Bluetooth SIG, Wi-Fi Alliance, CCC, NFC Forum, etc.)
・Launch of communication technology usage (specification) guidance (tentative)
・Definition of use cases for Digital Key Card, planning and preparation of PoC
・Collaboration with other organizations for SDV
・Definition of use cases for Digital Key Card, planning and preparation of PoC
・Collaboration with other organizations for SDV
Next Generation Hign-Speed Network
◆ Purpose
To define standard specification of high reliability technology of in-vehicle high-speed networks with an eye focused on control system applications, and to define vehicle requirements/problem extraction and solution method of AutomotiveSDN(Software Defined Networking), Automotive TSN, 10Mb/s electrical Ethernet and over 10Gb/s electrical/optical Ethernet.
◆ Activities
・Delving into TSN technical survey and defining Automotive TSN profiles, and its verification
・Definition of requirements for Next Generation Automotive Networks which are IEEE standards of optical/electric 10Gb/s and electric 10Mb/s
・Survey of OPEN Alliance Inc,(OPEN) specifications and standardization of JASPAR requirements
・Definition of functional requirements and its feasible architecture study for Automotive SDN, and verification of its architecture using PoC environment
・Definition of Automotive requirements and topology rule for electric 10Mb/s Ethernet
◆ Achievement・Definition of requirements for Next Generation Automotive Networks which are IEEE standards of optical/electric 10Gb/s and electric 10Mb/s
・Survey of OPEN Alliance Inc,(OPEN) specifications and standardization of JASPAR requirements
・Definition of functional requirements and its feasible architecture study for Automotive SDN, and verification of its architecture using PoC environment
・Definition of Automotive requirements and topology rule for electric 10Mb/s Ethernet
・Architecture Definition Document of Automotive SDN Ver.1.0
・TSN research report Ver.1.0
・Multi-Giga Optical Wiring Requirements Definition Ver.0.2 (Draft)
・JASPAR Multi-Giga (Electrical) Recommended Circuit Specifications Ver.3.0
・JASPAR in-vehicle Ethernet 10BASE-T1S Recommended Routing Design Standard Ver.2.0
・Survey on IEEE802.1AS Time Synchronized Network Construction Ver.1.0
・JASPAR In-Vehicle Ethernet Network Research Report Ver.4.0
・Presentation of the WG activities at Nikkei Ethernet seminar(July. 2023), IEEE Ethernet & IP Automotive Technology Day 2023(Sep. 2022) and IEICE Society Conference(Sep. 2023)
・Contribution to Laser Society of JAPAN(Dec. 2023), IEEE Plenary Session(July, Nov. 2023 and March, 2024) and OPEN(Sep. Dec. 2023 and March, 2024)
◆ Planned Output・TSN research report Ver.1.0
・Multi-Giga Optical Wiring Requirements Definition Ver.0.2 (Draft)
・JASPAR Multi-Giga (Electrical) Recommended Circuit Specifications Ver.3.0
・JASPAR in-vehicle Ethernet 10BASE-T1S Recommended Routing Design Standard Ver.2.0
・Survey on IEEE802.1AS Time Synchronized Network Construction Ver.1.0
・JASPAR In-Vehicle Ethernet Network Research Report Ver.4.0
・Presentation of the WG activities at Nikkei Ethernet seminar(July. 2023), IEEE Ethernet & IP Automotive Technology Day 2023(Sep. 2022) and IEICE Society Conference(Sep. 2023)
・Contribution to Laser Society of JAPAN(Dec. 2023), IEEE Plenary Session(July, Nov. 2023 and March, 2024) and OPEN(Sep. Dec. 2023 and March, 2024)
・Architecture Definition Document of Automotive SDN Ver.2.0
・TSN research report Ver.2.0
・Multi-Giga Optical Wiring Requirements Definition Ver.1.0
・JASPAR Multi-Giga Electric Recommended Routing Design Standard Ver.2.0
・Survey on IEEE802.1AS Time Synchronized Network Construction Ver.2.0
・JASPAR In-Vehicle Ethernet Network Research Report Ver.5.0
・Survey on JASPAR 10Base-T1S Automotive Requirements Ver1.0
・JASPAR 10Base-T1S Wiring Guide Ver1.0
・TSN research report Ver.2.0
・Multi-Giga Optical Wiring Requirements Definition Ver.1.0
・JASPAR Multi-Giga Electric Recommended Routing Design Standard Ver.2.0
・Survey on IEEE802.1AS Time Synchronized Network Construction Ver.2.0
・JASPAR In-Vehicle Ethernet Network Research Report Ver.5.0
・Survey on JASPAR 10Base-T1S Automotive Requirements Ver1.0
・JASPAR 10Base-T1S Wiring Guide Ver1.0
Cybersecurity Promotion WG
◆ Purpose
To promote standardization to provide customers with safe and security services, and grow the potential for new connectivity values
◆ Activities
・Investigating and studying of candidate standardization items in the cooperation realm
・Cooperating with JAMA, JSAE and governments
・Harmonizing with European and American industrial organizations
◆ Achievement・Cooperating with JAMA, JSAE and governments
・Harmonizing with European and American industrial organizations
・Defined Information security specifications and evaluation rules
・Reflected JASPAR standard specifications in AUTOSAR R20-11
◆ Planned Output・Reflected JASPAR standard specifications in AUTOSAR R20-11
・Standardization roadmap for Information Security (2025/3)
・In-Vehicle Semiconductor Device Requirements Definition Document (2025/3)
・ECU Design Requirements Definition Document (2025/3)
・Secure Area Expansion guide(2025/3)
・In-Vehicle Semiconductor Device Requirements Definition Document (2025/3)
・ECU Design Requirements Definition Document (2025/3)
・Secure Area Expansion guide(2025/3)
Cybersecurity Technical WG
◆ Purpose
To define and validate technical requirements for cybersecurity based on automotive use cases
◆ Activities
・Defining requirements of cybersecurity countermeasure technology for vehicle equipment
・Validating cybersecurity development process for automotive system and vehicle equipment
・Defining requirements of the cybersecurity evaluation technology for vehicle equipment and validate them
・Creating a secure coding practical guide for automotive software
◆ Achievement・Validating cybersecurity development process for automotive system and vehicle equipment
・Defining requirements of the cybersecurity evaluation technology for vehicle equipment and validate them
・Creating a secure coding practical guide for automotive software
・Created the explanation documents and case studies regarding activities and deliverables required for cybersecurity design of automotive systems
・Created the practical guide for applying CERT C/C++ coding rules to in-vehicle system software
・Defined skills required for automotive system cybersecurity development
◆ Planned Output・Created the practical guide for applying CERT C/C++ coding rules to in-vehicle system software
・Defined skills required for automotive system cybersecurity development
・Cybersecurity-Related Operational Environment Information Definition Guide and Template Explanatory Document
・Large-Scale System Threat Analysis Case Studies
・Cybersecurity Claims Case Studies
・Automotive Cybersecurity Personnel Skills Map
・C++ Secure Coding Guidelines Explanatory Document
・Large-Scale System Threat Analysis Case Studies
・Cybersecurity Claims Case Studies
・Automotive Cybersecurity Personnel Skills Map
・C++ Secure Coding Guidelines Explanatory Document
OTA Technical WG
◆ Purpose
To identify challenges and to define requirements for ECU software updating using OTA techniques
◆ Activities
・Investigation of OTA related topics
・Requirement analysis of System and Process as End-to-End OTA service
・Cooperation with JAMA, JSAE and AUTOSAR
◆ Achievement・Requirement analysis of System and Process as End-to-End OTA service
・Cooperation with JAMA, JSAE and AUTOSAR
・Revision up of requirement documents for expanded use cases of OTA (e.g., smartphone use, single bank support, etc.)
・Publication of best practices for cooperative activities with OEMs and suppliers for UN-R156 compliance
・Cooperation with JAMA, JSAE and AUTOSAR
◆ Planned Output・Publication of best practices for cooperative activities with OEMs and suppliers for UN-R156 compliance
・Cooperation with JAMA, JSAE and AUTOSAR
・Use case and problem analysis of software management in the context of software update, considering with UN-R156 and Software Update.